The EGARCH process, standing for exponential GARCH, has been introduced by Nelson [1991]. The equations are

r(t + δt)  =   σ∘eff(t)ϵr(t)
   σeff(t)  =     --- eh(t)
                                   (   |r(t)|          )
    h (t)  =   (1 - β1)ln(σ∞ ) + α1   ------------ E [|ϵ|] +  β1 h(t - δt)
                                     σeff(t - δt)
with the three parameters ln(σ)1 and β1, and with the constraint β1 < 1. The parameter ln(σ) fixes the mean annualized volatility. The constant E[|ϵ|] depends on the probability distribution for the resisual ϵr.

The parameters for the simulations are

The innovations have a Student distribution with 3.3 degrees of freedom. The simulation time corresponds to 200 years with a time increment δt = 3 minutes.


   Daniel B. Nelson. Conditional heteroskedasticity in asset returns: A new approach. Econometrica, 59:347–370, 1 1991.